Click link for: Football Information Sheet - 2023
Info sheet contains practice dates and times. Along with key dates to remember. Click on the link above to print or download the info sheet.
2024 Age Cutoff
Sr Squad - A player must not have reached his 15th birthday before September 1st of the current year. Students entering the 9th grade or higher are ineligible. Students who have graduated 8th grade are not eligible.
Jr Squad- A player msut not have reached his 12th birthday prior to April 1st. Students entering the 7th grade or higher must not have reached their 12th birthday by September 1st.
Pee Wee Squad - A Player must not have reached his 10th birthday by April 1st. Students entering the 5th grade or higher must not have reached their 10th birthday by September 1st.
The BBYC Bulldogs provides travel football instruction and play for athletes in grades K-8 in a fun, competitive and safe environment. Our season begins with mandatory conditioning in late July.
Once the teams have been selected your player will practice with his/her assigned team. Team practices will begin in early August. Practices start at 6:00 PM and end at 7:30 PM 3 Days a week for the MIGHTY MITE LEVEL, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM on the PEEWEE LEVEL, 6:30 to 8:30 on the JR and SR LEVELS and are held (5) days a week until school begins and will drop to (3) days a week when school begins. With a (4th) Day Optional per coach and squad.
Equipment and Costs
All players will be issued a helmet, shoulder pads, a practice jersey, practice pants, game pants, rib pads,knee pads,girdle, mouth piece, chin strap and 2 game jerseys. Kids will be properly fitted for helmets and shoulder pads (extremely important for player safety). We will email all registered families about the fiting dates. Parents are required to provide spikes and water, mouth pieces can be purchased on your own.
2024 Coaching Staff
2024 Senior Bulldogs Coaching Staff
Head Coach
Tim Hedenhag
Assistant Coaches
Pete Brand
Nate Beylon
Lenny Costa
Brian Jewett
2024 Junior Bulldogs Coaching Staff
Head Coach
Sean Walsh
Assistant Coaches
Connor Walsh
2024 PeeWee Bulldogs Coaching Staff
Head Coach
Gino Olimpio
Assistant Coaches
Mark Kennedy
Ryan McMahon
Steve Clegg
Fred Frasca
Greg Georges
Mike Matano
2024 Flex Bulldog Coaching Staff
Head Coach
Cecilia Hriczov
Assistant Coaches
2024 Flag Football Coaching Staff
Head Coach
Steve Pellegrino
Assistant Coaches
2024 Registration is Open
Early registration is now open for cheer and football. Once you have register your child you and your child will be enter into our new Team Snap software and added to your teams. This great new app lets us stay up to date on not just your children's team events but all events around the league. The are chat boards as well as photo and video sections. All scheduling will be current not only by team but by league as well. It is a powerful new app I'm sure you will love. Just one of the changes we will be offering this year.
This year when you sign up you will be given access to TEAM SNAP. A powerful tool and app to keep track of all BBYC functions. From game days and practices to cheer comps and more. Coaches can communicate to their teams and much more.
What is Flex Football?
More Games. More Participation
Flex Football™ is a 9v9 game format inspired by the NFL’s philosophy of high-tempo, low-impact practice. Flex introduces players to the fundamentals of hands-only blocking in a non-tackle environment. The combination of field layout and game style provide a look and feel more closely aligned with "real" football. Flex provides progression, skill-development, energy and excitement that brings new participants to the game and keeps them coming back for more.

Summer Agility Camp
Our agility camps are volunteer in nature and are a great way to get in shape for the upcoming season. Youth and their families are welcome to work out with us. Like our Facebook page so you can receive more information on times and locations of these workouts.

Heads Up Football
Heads Up Football is the safer way to practice and play. USA Football has worked with leaders in both medicine and sport across the country to create a full-featured program that any league or school can use to address key safety issues — and ensure that every coach understands and knows how to implement each component of the program. Learn more
Athletes Corner
Drills and helpful tips to improve player performance. Try some of this drills in the off season to keep you at tip top shape. Work hard, Train Harder......
News and Events

2020 Like no Other
BBYC Senior Squad came to play. Although it was a season like no other. The BBYC Bulldogs came to play. With the pandemic and Covid lockdowns, they were not even sure if they could play this year. BBYC owed it to these players to do our best to get them back on the field. With that being said and all the challenges that faced this team, they excepted the challenge and broke it. We welcome you The 2020 Super Bowl Champs (BBYC Senior Squad)

2019 TCYFL Jr Divison Superbowl Champs
Congratulations to the 2019 TCYFL Juniors Champions!!
There was no doubt the boys and girls of this team and their coaches were prepared for the challenge going into this game. Great job by all players, a true team victory as they dominated the competition ALL SEASON LONG!!!
Final Record for the season. 7-1
Your 2019 Super Bowl Champs........

BBYC PeeWee Undefeated 2018 Superbowl Champs
Congrats to our 2018 Pee Wee Team for making the Superbowl. As well as going undeafted in the regular season. We are beyond proud of you guys. Now go out and will the whole thing. Lets beat Kinnelon...

BBYC Undefeated 2014 Superbowl Champs
2014 BBYC JR BullDogs (D Squad) go undefeated in the regular season. Leads to a great superbowl win. Congrates boys you deserved it.