QB Drills
There are many drills that could be used that are not included here. Take a few drills at each practice period and work on those which best suit the abilities of your Qbs. 1. Two Knee Drill: ( 20 passes) The purpose is to warm up the arm and, at the same time, teach concentration on target…
Read MoreTri-County Youth Football League weight limits by divison
Weight (Maximums) Full Artical: Tri-County Youth Football League (TCYFL). Mighty Mite: all players must be within the 100lb maximum limit. Any player exceeding 100lbs may have to play at the Pee Wee level. Pee Wee: any players positioned in the backfield, carrying the ball or not = 102lbs (including punters) linemen = 113lbs any player…
Read MoreE-Nutrition Help on the Web
E-Nutrition: Resources for Athletes on the Web By Nancy Clark, MS RD CSSD For Active.com Whether you want to analyze your sports diet, get an answer to your questions about creatine, or find a new recipe for chicken, you can get an amazing amount of high-quality food, nutrition and health information on the Web. The trick…
Read MoreStep Spin – Running Back Drill #3
Shaun Alexander teaches the West Valley Tiny Mite Falcons the step spin drill. This youth football drill focuses on foot work and team concentration on the football field.
Read MoreLoop Run – Running Back Drill #2
Shaun Alexander leads the West Valley Tiny Mite Falcons through the Loop Run Drill. This youth football drill teaches young players to stay low and light on their toes while running with the football.
Read MoreQuick Feet – Running Back Drill #1
Shaun Alexander works out with the West Valley Tiny Mite Falcons. This youth football drill focuses on quick feet and a strong carry for running backs.
Read MoreFour Corners – Running Back Drill #4
Shaun Alexander and the West Valley Falcons key in on timing, speed and teamwork in the four corners youth football drill.
Read MoreFirst Step Drill
In this youth football drill for quarterbacks it works on breaking down the very first step after the ball is snapped back to the QB. It is key for the QB to focus on the placement of his right foot in order to be in a passing position.
Read MoreHip Swivel Throwing Drill
Use this drill to get loose before a game or practice and improve your hip torque while throwing the football
Read MoreThe 5-Step Drop With Peyton Manning
This is the latest instructional video from our Peyton Manning clinic. We’ve already seen the 3-step drop, which is mainly used for short, quick passes. The 5-step drop is traditionally used for longer passes, as it gives more time for the receiver to get down field. Have a look at the master at work.
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